Wednesday, November 3, 2010

The NFL Drama Queen/Legendary Quarterback

Whoever said there was no drama in football, obviously doesn't know Brett Favre! Wait, wait wait... EVERYONE knows who Brett Favre is.  He is perhaps one of the best quarterbacks to ever hit the NFL.  He played for the Packers for about 1,000 years until he couldn't decide whether he was ready to retire (hint Favre: If your over 80...YOUR DONE).  The Packers finally decided they had enough of his drama, he was  worse than a woman at a shoe store, trying to make up his mind.Seriously, that was not sarcasm.  THe √vikings were glad to have him.  But now, this year... he is injured. On top of being critically elderly, he has recently sustained two fractures in his ankle, and one on his heel.  So, the Vikings are faced with a decision: keep him, or no?
     In my opinion, Brett needs to realize that though he is legendary, and certainly hall of fame worthy, it is time to play until he has a heart attack due to being an incredibly old man trying to play football with the boys, or end his legacy while he still has some of a good reputation.  Go out strong, not weak...but my guess is he takes a swig of Metamusil, and gets back out there. Dumb Ass.

1 comment:

  1. Shania, between the two blogs you need to have 45 posts as of today. Good stuff on both but be sure you're doing the required 5 posts a week and checking in with me weekly. Toni Albertson
