Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Let Freedom Ring:Wikileaks

So I am going to share what I think about this whole Wikileaks deal.  I think, the people have a right to know the truth about things that the government would rather either hide from us, or just straight up lie to us about.  I think that the government is just pissed that people are being able to find out the truth about things and that it is out of their control, and they are losing the opportunity to spin things the way that they want the media to spin them according to what the think we should know.  Honestly, it's a bunch of bullshit.  I think though, that it is highly ironic, that the founder of wikileaks is all of the sudden under arrest for allegations of sexual assault. Sounds a little too convenient to me.  Like....conspiracy. Truthfully, I have little faith in our government, and I always wondered to what extreme they would go to keep the truth from us.  I think the people at wikileaks are doing something amazing in that they are standing up for truth and refusing to allow the powerful people on top, to control them.
   I was made aware of something just as I was writing this blog: How much power the government has over it's people.  I literally said to my boyfriend, " maybe I shouldn't post this, what if the government goes after me for supporting them, or tries to make something up about me to keep me quiet...they know what is being posted by who if they want"....that's how much power they have; enough power to make me almost give up my freedom of speech for fear of what they might do. Thats fucked.

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