Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Tweet, Post, and Comment Gone Over Board

Im just as guilty as the next person for enjoying facebook, and updating my status on an all too regular basis.  But some people can be just plain annoying.  There is a great tool for that: block em' from your feed! I seriously know some people who tweet over 100 times a day! These people need help.Now.  Here are a few scenarios which would cause me to permanently block an individual from my Facebook feed:

1. "Tweeting" a hundred times a day
2. Updating your status 50 times a day
3. Commenting on every single status that I post
4. Stalking my Facebook pictures by commenting on all of them
5. Posting the most ridiculous statuses such as " I am brushing my teeth"
6. "Tagging" me in posts that have nothing to do with me
7. When I comment on your post and when I do 20 people also do and I get all those notifications
8. "liking" my status' that have no reason to be "liked"
9.  Regularly posting things that are passed on such as that stupid " I like (fill in the blank)" or " post this and then you will have good luck at 3:00 today"
10.  Please don't be annoying on Facebook! Oh well, I suppose some people just can't help it.

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