Sunday, May 22, 2011

I'm Calling You Out Pro Active!

Pro active is simply a perfect example of a company who instead of investing in the creation of a good product, they invest in brainwash.  All the do, is pay A-list celebrities such as: Katie Perry, Jessica Simpson, Avril Lavine, Mandy Moore...and of course, now Justin Bieber.  Honestly though, it is so easy to see that they pay them thousands of dollars just to claim that they use their product when in reality they probably do not, and if they did, they only did because they got it for free and were paid to use it! The people who fall for this can't be too smart, I don't think.  All of their money I bet, goes to advertisements.  These are a few quotes that I got from customer reviews of the product on Amazon:

                    "I had pretty bad acne in high school, so I was really excited to try the new Proactive skin solution with only 5% of people not getting results. Well, I guess I made it to that 5%. I found it did not help me AT ALL. My skin didn't clear up, and I made sure to follow the directions exactly. In fact, my dermatologist doesn't recommend it at all. I became much better off using prescripton-strength creams that my doctor recommended. Oh, and when I called Proactive to request a refund, they gave me a good 15-minute speech (including putting me on the phone with her supervisor for further influencing) on why to keep with it. A complete pain and a bit awkward to turn them down after all that. That is probably why they're disapproval rate is only 5% - they harass you in order to deter you from the refund!"

             "I am 28 and had a few blemishes, so I decided to try proactiv. Now my skin is a mess! It seemed like it would work, so I stuck with it for a month, and then I got another box in the mail of more product. Be wary, it is not obvious that once you buy the initial kit you will automatically be signed up to receive proactive and be charged continuously. Perhaps proactiv works for some, but since it was having reverse effects for me I called to return the additional box of product that they sent me. Though I still had 2 weeks left to return proactiv for a refund, the customer service representative said that they take 4-6 weeks to process returns, and so it would not be enough time to get my return order refund! Not only do I now have to pay for shipping and handling which is estimated to be around $10 but additionally for a certificate of delivery so I can prove I sent the product in on time. How frustrating. My last rant is that once the customer service woman heard I wanted to return the product, she tried to get off the phone very fast, and I had to keep asking her not to hang up, since she was VERY short and not forward about how to go about handling the return (ie. address, filling out the return slip etc). I would normally not write any review even if the product didn't work for me, but the customer service i received put me over the edge."

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