Thursday, May 26, 2011

Lindsay Lohan...Lucky B

What is the limit of all the crimes Lindsay Lohan gets to commit before she actually has to serve out a full sentence in jail? I am so curious. I mean, most people that steal that expensive of jewelry, drink and drive, get addicted to drugs, etc...would not serve their jail sentence at expensive beach home at that! I am so sick of all the special treatment she gets, and how she never really has to suffer any consequences for her actions! What kind of message does that send to young people? Or to anyone about what happens when you live in compete disregard to the law.  And I really think that there is such much injustice just because she is famous.  She does not change, she never has, and has had so many chances to do so.  But if someone else were to do this, some normal person, they would be stuck in jail for who knows how long.  I really don't understand why we are making it so easy for celebrities to think they can do whatever they want, and that the rules simply don't apply to them.  I am interested to see what crime she will commit next. Trust me, I am a believer, she will shock us with something else.

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